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Jesus Is My Everything Bible Study Week Eight

Jesus is My Everything Week 8.

Now I want to talk about something that I learned that most don’t want to touch on. If you have never been called to a certain office in the fivefold ministry such as … DON’T DO IT! Over the years as I grew up in the Lord, I quickly learned that not every preacher was called of God. Now  coming from the streets, I had no idea that every man of God was not truly called by God, but after I was baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost, Jesus began to reveal things to me about the people around me. I quickly learned that every one that called him Lord, Lord was not of Him. They did not walk in a calling of preaching the word that was sent from God. Some were walking in the calling from their Mama, their auntie Sue, their cousin Mable. This is a dangerous place to be. If you are not called to a position (be it preaching, teaching, ministering, etc.) and you try to walk in it saying God called you to it, you are living a lie and not in the will of God. Be mindful of this. Be sensitive to the voice of God and know when and where you have been called so that you can stay in that vein of the Holy Ghost and stay under the anointing of God for your life. Let HIM call you, not a man or woman.

On the flip side of this IF you have been called BY GOD to preach, then do it with your whole heart. Surrender everything you have and all that you  are to His will. Heart, mind, soul and strength. No sacrifice you give to the calling of God will be made in vain. He will protect you, keep you, lead you

and watch for you. IF you allow Him to. Trust Him and step out on faith that He has called, ordained and will anoint you for the position HE has created

you for. Know that His word is true that says he will be with you always. Do not allow the spirit of fear or any devil in hell stop you from this calling. Walk in meekness before the Lord, seeking His face and allowing the word of God and the anointing of God to flow through you. It is amazing when you walk in the will of God in your true calling from God. Listen for His voice and follow Him as He leads.

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